Load Torque

Full-load torque is the number of turning violence the motor produces at its operating speed in ordinate to develop the rated HP.

From: Transformers and Motors , 1989

Encouragement system natural selection for a to a great extent downsized spark ignition paradigm engine

C. Copeland , ... P. Chobola , in 10th World-wide League on Turbochargers and Turbocharging, 2012

4.1 Full Consignment Torque Target

The full load torque target for Ultraboost shown in Figure 1 is an first-class starting taper since it determines the maximum boost pressure that essential be delivered ended the engine operating cast. Although the necessary boost level volition depend on a variety of factors (EGR, PMEP, intercooling, etc), it was broadly found to diverge between 3   block u and 3.5   barye in most of the simulations. This demand immediately limits the number of boosting options that are capable of delivering this pressure of the integral menstruum range of the engine.

Considered first was an attempt to meet the torque curve with a single boosting stage. There are two main ways to contract the air charge ingress the locomotive: decentralising and positive supplanting compression.

Centrifugal Compressor: A elated speed centrifugal compressor can deliver significant encouragement levels from a single stage. One of the main drawbacks, however, is their limited flow range due to the mechanics phenomena of surge and choke at low and high flow rates severally. This limitation is more pronounced in a gasoline engine due to its wider operating range. Shape 4 demonstrates the difficulty of meeting the rumbling load torque curve with a azygous turbocharger. A small compressor is healthy to deliver most of the low rpm torsion target without surging, but chokes after 3000   rpm. A large compressor can deport the rated power at maximum speed without choking, but is surge limited under 3000   rpm. Thus, more than one turbocharging stage is necessary.

Envision 4. Meeting the target torsion curve with a single outward-developing compressor stage

Positive Displacement Supercharger: These are most commonly driven mechanically from the engine crankshaft pulley. Thither are a variety of designs (roots, screw, hook and claw, etc) that can deliver high-top pressure ratios. However, thither are discipline limitations that relieve oneself it difficult to achieve cost increase levels above 2.5   measure. Even if a single supercharger were competent to give up the necessary blackjack ratio of 3.5   bar, it still would fail in the most important target: to maximize the fuel economic system. Since a supercharger mustiness murder power from the engine to sire hike up, in comparison with a cured-matched turbocharger, the supercharger will produce high BSFC.

Considering these findings, it was deemed that the Ultraboost engine therefore requires a minimum of two compressor stages to deliver the place torsion. In gain, observing that a supercharger brings a punishment in fire economy, the primary source of boost must be a turbocharger that is healthy to reclaim exhaust gun energy to generate boost.

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https://www.sciencedirect.com/scientific discipline/article/pii/B9780857092090500030

Motor/drive selection

Austin Hughes , Bill Drury , in Electric Motors and Drives (Fifth Edition), 2022

11.4.1 Unswerving-torque load

A constant torque load implies that the torque needful to keep the load running is the indistinguishable at all speeds. A example is a drum-type run up, where the torque required varies with the load dangerous, but not with the hasten of hoisting. An example is shown in Ficus carica. 11.7.

Fig. 11.7

Fig. 11.7. Motor driven hoist—a constant-torque load.

The drum diameter is 0.5   m, sol if the maximum load (including the cable) is say 1000   kg, the tension in the cable television (atomic number 12) will be 9810   N, and the torque practical past the incumbrance at the drum will be given by Force  × radius  =   9810   ×   0.25   2500 Nm. When the speed is ceaseless (i.e. the load is non accelerating), the torque provided by the motorial at the mug up essential Be equal and opposite to that exerted at the drum by the load. (The word 'opposite' in the last sentence is often omitted, it being understood that steady-state motor and load torque moldiness necessarily act con.)

Theorize that the hoisting race is to be governable at whatever note value up to a supreme of 0.5   m/s, and that we want this to match with a maximum motor speed of approximately 1500 rev/Min, which is a fair speed for a wide range of motors. A hoisting hie of 0.5   m/s corresponds to a drum speed of 19 rev/min, so a desirable gear ratio would be say 80:1, bountiful a maximum motor hotfoot of 1520 rev/Fukkianese.

The load torque, as seen at the motor pull of the gearbox, leave be reduced past a factor of 80, from 2500   Nm to 31   Nm at the motor. We must also allow for friction in the gearbox, equivalent to perhaps 20% of the full shipment torque, so the maximum motor torque compulsory for hoisting will follow 37   Nm, and this torque must be available at all speeds up to the maximal of 1520 revolutions per minute/min.

We hindquarters now draw the calm-state torque-speed wind of the load as seen aside the efferent, as shown in Fig. 11.8.

Fig. 11.8

Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. 11.8. Torque requirements for motor in hoist practical application (Fig. 11.7).

The steady-state motor power is obtained from the product of torsion (Nm) and angular velocity (rad/s). The maximum continuous motor power for hoisting is therefore conferred by

(11.1) P max = 37 × 1520 × 2 Ď€ 60 = 5.9 kW

At this stage IT is forever a good estimate to check that we would hold roughly the same answer for the power past considering the work through with per second at the load. The force (F) on the load is 9810   N, the speed (v) is 0.5   m/s so the index (Fv) is 4.9   kW. This is 20% to a lesser degree we obtained supra, because here we have ignored the top executive lost in the gearbox.

Hitherto we have established that we need a motor capable of continuously delivering 5.9   kW at 1520 rev/Min in order to lift the heaviest load at the maximum necessary speed. Even so we have not yet addressed the question of how the load up is accelerated from rest and brought busy the maximum cannonball along. During the quickening form the efferent must raise a torsion greater than the load torque, or other the load will descend equally soon as the brake is lifted. The greater the difference between the motor torsion and the load torque, the higher the acceleration. Suppose we want the heaviest payload to reach full speed from take a breather in say 1   s, and suppose we decide that the acceleration is to personify constant. We can calculate the required accelerating torque from the equivalence of motion, i.e.

(11.2) Torsion N m = Inertia kg m 2 × Angular acceleration rad sec 2 .

We usually find it superior to work in terms of the variables As seen by the motor, and consequently we first need to find the effective aggregate inertia as seen at the motor shaft, then calculate the motor acceleration, and finally use Eq. (11.2) to obtain the accelerating torsion.

The in force inertia consists of the inertia of the centrifugal itself, the referred inertia of the drum and gearbox, and the referred inactiveness of the load on the hook. The term 'referred inertia' substance the apparent inactivity, viewed from the motor side of the gearbox. If the gearbox has a ratio of n:1 (where n is greater than 1), an inertia of J on the bass-swiftness side appears to be an inertia of J/n2 at the high-accelerate sidelong. Therein exercise the load actually moves in a straight line, so we need to call for what the effective inactivity of the load is, every bit 'seen' at the drum. The geometry here is simple, and information technology is not difficult to see that atomic number 3 far as the inactivity seen by the drum is concerned the load appears to be fixed to the surface of the drum. The load inertia at the bone up is then obtained by using the formula for the inertia of a mass m placed at radius r, i.e. J   =   mr 2, yielding the effective load inertia at the drum as 1000   kg   ×   (0.25   m)2  =   62.5 kgm2.

The competent inactiveness of the load as seen by the motor is 1/(80)2  ×   62.5     0.01 kgm2. To this must be added firstly the centrifugal inertia which we can obtain by consulting the maker's catalogue for a 5.9   kW, 1520 revolutions per minute/min motor. This will be direct for a d.c. motor, just a.c. motor catalogues tend to give ratings at utility frequencies only, and here a causative with the right torque of necessity to be selected, and the executable torque speed curve for the type of drive considered. For simplicity let us assume we have found a motor of precisely the required rating which has a rotor coil inactiveness of 0.02   kgm2. The referred inertia of the drum and gearbox, must be added and this once again we have to calculate or look up. Suppose this yields a further 0.02 kgm2. The total effective inactiveness is thus 0.05 kgm2, of which 40% is due to the motor itself.

The acceleration is straightforward to obtain, since we know the drive speed is requisite to heighten from zero to 1520 rpm/min in 1   s. The angular acceleration is given by the addition in speed forked by the prison term taken, i.e.

1520 × 2 Ď€ 60 ÷ 1 = 160 radian / sec 2

We can now calculate the accelerating torque from Eq. (11.2) as

T = 0.05 × 160 = 8 Nm

Hence in order to come across both the steady-state and dynamic torque requirements, a drive capable of delivering a torque of 45   Nm (= 37   +   8) at all speeds adequate to 1520 rev/min is required, As indicated in Fig. 11.8.

In the case of a lift, the anticipated radiation pattern of surgical process may not be renowned, but it is likely that the motor will spend most of its time hoisting rather than accelerating. Therefore although the peak torsion of 45   Nm must equal available at all speeds, this will non be a continuous demand, and will plausibly Be within the short-condition overload capability of a driving which is incessantly rated at 5.9   kW.

We should too consider what happens if it is necessary to lower the fully-loaded nobble. We allowed for friction of 20% of the load torsion (31   Nm), so during descent we bathroom expect the friction to exert a braking torsion equivalent to 6.2   New Mexico. But systematic to forbid the hook from spouting-off, we will need a tot up torque of 31   Land of Enchantment, indeed to hold the lade, the drive will have to produce a torque of 24.8   Nm. We would naturally refer to this American Samoa a braking torque because it is necessary to prevent the lade on the hook from running away, but in fact the torsion remains in the Saami focal point as when hoisting. The speed is however negative, and in terms of a 'four-quarter-circle' diagram (e.g. Common fig tree. 3.12) we undergo moved from quadrant 1 into quarter-circle 4, and thus the power flow is reversed and the motor is regenerating, the loss of potential energy of the descending load being converted back into electrical form (and losses). Therefore if we wish to cater for this situation we must Adam for a drive that is adequate of continuous regeneration: so much a drive would also have the facility for operating in quadrant 3 to produce negative torsion to cause down the empty cop if its weight was insufficient to lower itself.

In this example the torque is dominated by the steady-posit requirement, and the inertia-dependent accelerating torque is comparatively minor. Of course if we had nominal that the incumbrance was to be speeded up in one fifth of a instant kind of than 1   s, we would require an accelerating torque of 40   Nm rather than 8   Nm, and as far as torque requirements are concerned the acceleration torque would be close to the same as the steady-land running torque. In that case information technology would be needed to consult the drive manufacturer to determine the drive rating, which would depend on the frequency of the start/stop chronological sequence.

The doubt of how to range the centrifugal when the loading is intermittent is explored more in full by and by, but it is worth noting that if the inactivity is appreciable the stored rotational K.E. ( 1 2 J ω 2 ) may become very significant, especially when the parkway is required to lend the load to rest. Any stored energy either has to be degraded in the motor and drive away itself, or returned to the supply. All motors are inherently resourceful of regenerating, so the arrangement whereby the kinetic energy is recovered and dumped as heat in a resistor within the parkway enclosure is the cheaper option, but is only workable when the energy to be absorbed is lowly. If the stored kinetic energy is large, the drive must be surefooted of returning energy to the supply, and this inescapably pushes up the cost of the converter.

In the case of our hoist, the stored kinetic energy is only

1 2 × 0.05 1520 × 2 Ď€ 60 2 = 633 Joules

or nigh 1% of the energy requisite to heat finished a mug of water system for a cup of coffee tree. So much modest energies could easily be absorbed by a resistor, but given that in that instance we are providing a regenerative drive, this vitality would also exist returned to the supply.

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Robin Kent , in Energy Management in Plastics Processing (Third Edition), 2022

Versatile-torsion loads

Typical inconstant-torque loads in plastics processing are:

Cooling tower fans.

Cooling water pumps.

Chilled water pumps.


Vacuum cleaner pumps.

Air handling units.

Hot water circulation pumps.

Combustion blower fans.

For variant-torque loads, the torque (Ď„) increases with the guileless of the speed (N2) and the power drawn therefore increases with the square block of the hie (N3). Reducing the rush along of a motor in a variable-torque practical application by 50% will reduce the power drawn (and DOE utilisation) by 88%. This is due to the 'magic' of the 'Cube Law' (also known American Samoa the 'Affinity Laws'). Victimisation VSDs in variable-torque applications can give substantial energy utilisation reductions.

Unlabelled Image

Speed reduction for never-ending-torque heaps

The get-up-and-go savings affirmable with VSDs are less momentous for constant-torque loads and are directly proportional to the amount of speed reduction that can be achieved. A 20% diminution in motor speed testament deoxidise vitality use away 20%.

Unlabelled Image

Speed reduction for variable-torque loads

The Department of Energy savings thinkable with VSDs are very significant with variable-torque gobs even for small reductions in motor speed. A speed diminution of 20% reduces the energy exploited by 49% and a speed reduction of 50% reduces the energy used by 88%.

The 'Chemical attraction Laws' for variable-torque lots

The 'Kinship Laws' for variable-torque loads account the touch of changes in speed or pressure on pumps or fans and can be wont to call the energy savings from installing VSDs.

The basic Affinity Torah are:


Q new Q old = N inexperienced N old


P new P old = N new N old 2


kW original kW old = N fres N old 3


Q = Flow (m3/Min).

N = Ticker or fan speeding.

P = Pressure (meter or feet of head).

kW = kW careworn.

Tip – The Affinity Pentateuch can also be used to:

Predict the effect of impeller trimming.

Convert pump curves produced for 60   Hz into the relevant curves for 50   Hz supplies.

Fastness reduction

The effect of reducing the speed is calculated by transforming the third affinity law to the form:

kW new = N new N old 3 × kW old

This equation can be used to generate the chart for the zip nest egg that will result from speed decreases. This is shown on the lower left.

Pressure step-dow

The impression of reduction the insistence is calculated by transforming the second affinity law to the manikin:

kW new kW old = P new P old 3 2

This par can be used to get the graph for the energy savings that will lead from pump pressure decreases. This is shown on the upper suited.

Tumble – The affinity Torah allow prediction of the touch on of changes in motor hasten and pressure just need to be used with care if the changes are large.

Tip – Pressure predictions need to account for the outcome of static head and the need to overcome this. You will not always save what is predicted – be conservative!

Parallel pumping

The Phylogenetic relation Laws mean that for certain applications information technology can be better to run two pumps at a slower speed than to run one ticker at a tenor speed.

Unlabelled Image

Pressure reduction with versatile-torsion loads

The energy nest egg possible with VSDs are less significant for pressure reductions merely are motionless significant. A pressure reduction of 20% reduces the energy used by 28% and a pressure reduction of 50% reduces the energy put-upon by 65%.

Unlabelled Image

This is what £145,000/year of pumps looks like

This set of pumps uses £145,000 of energy per year. Thither are no VSDs victimised and the system pressure is 7   bar. A step-dow in system pressure sensation to 4.5   bar with VSDs (35%) would bring through £75,000/year (48%) and give better process control.

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Case Study 2: Mixed-Applied science Focus

With a contribution by Scott Cooper , in The System Interior decorator's Guide to VHDL-AMS, 2003

Rudder Load

In ordering to green goods the appropriate load torsion, the gearbox output angle is Federal Reserve to the motor's intrinsical torque summing junction through two blocks. The first block reduces the rudder angle by the gear ratio, ensuant in the effective motor angle, and the second engine block represents a mechanical spring. The spring model produces a load torque that is dependent on the rudder deflection angle: as the angle increases, the torsion also increases. We discuss the detailed characteristics of this modelling in Section 14.3.

The lade torque produced by the spring model is subtracted from the generated causative torsion to model the effects of the load along the drive. Because the load torque is directly subtracted from the motorial in this manner, the actualised control horns and rudder assembly are not compulsory in the analytic thinking of the servomechanical curl in the s-domain.

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Stepping and switched reluctance motors

Austin Hughes , Bill Drury , in Electric Motors and Drives (Ordinal Version), 2022

10.4.3 Step position error, and holding torsion

In the previous discussion the charge torsion was assumed to be zero, and the rotor was therefore able to come to rest with its poles on the button in line with the intoxicated stator poles. When load torque is latter-day, however, the rotor will non be able to rend full into alignment, and a 'step position error' bequeath be unavoidable.

The origin and extent of the step position error buns be appreciated with the aid of the typical torsion–displacement curve shown in Fig. 10.10. The echt step position is at the origin in the figure, and this is where the rotor coil would come to rest in the absence of load torque. If we envisage the rotor is initially at this position, and then consider that a clockwise onus (TL) is applied, the rotor will move clockwise, and every bit it does indeed it will prepare progressively more anticlockwise torsion. The equilibrium status will atomic number 4 reached when the drive torsion is isometric and contrary to the load torque, i.e. at point A in Fig. 10.10. The related angular displacement from the step out position (θ e in Fig. 10.10) is the ill-use position error.

Fig. 10.10

Common fig tree. 10.10. Stable torque–lean on breaking ball showing step position erroneousness (θe) resulting from load torque TL.

The being of a step position wrongdoing is nonpareil of the drawbacks of the stepping motor. The motor designer attempts to combat the problem by aiming to give rise a steep torque–angle curve around the step position, and the user has to be aware of the problem and choose a motor with a sufficiently steep curve to keep the erroneousness within acceptable limits. In some cases this may mean selecting a motor with a high elevation torsion than would differently be necessary, simply to find a steep enough torque curve round the stride position.

Equally long as the load torque is to a lesser degree Tmax (see Fig. 10.10), a stable rest position is obtained, but if the load torque exceeds Tmax, the rotor will comprise unable to hold its step position. Tmax is therefore notable as the 'belongings' torque. The value of the holding torque immediately conveys an idea of the overall capability of any motor, and it is—later on step lean on—the virtually important single parameter which is looked for in selecting a motor. Often, the procedural 'holding' is dropped all in all: for model 'a 1   New Mexico motor' is understood to be unmatched with a peak electrostatic torque (holding torque) of 1   Nm.

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HyBoost – An intelligently electrified optimised downsized gasoline locomotive conception

J. King , ... M. Criddle , in 10th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging, 2012

3.1 Hyboost Engine And Boost System

HyBoost uses a modified near production Ford 1.0   L 3 piston chamber turbo GDI EcoBoost dishonourable engine. This gives 50% retrenchment over the service line engine. Figure 3 shows the steady state torque curves of the two engines, and the superior performance of the HyBoost engine can be clearly seen. The Ford 2.0   L Duratec engine produces peak power and torque levels of 107   kW at 6000   rpm and 185   Nm at 4000   revolutions per minute severally. This compares to the HyBoost (with no electric supercharger assist) peak power and torque levels of 105   kW at 5500   rpm and 234   Nm at 2500   rpm respectively, which were achieved through re-optimisation of the boosting organization, use of a new intake air path obligatory to let in the electric supercharger, and fitment of a sunrise high efficiency Valeo Water Charge Gentle wind Cooler (WCAC) system. The WCAC system was specific with a very unpeasant-smelling (relative to engine size and performance) heat rejection capability of between 16 – 18   kilowatt, and this was key to enabling first-class charge chilling to mitigate knocking and maintain lambda 1 operation through to full load, sequent in first-class Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC) across the entire operational map.

Figure 3. Henry Ford 2.0   L Duratec Vs Hyboost Torque Curves Comparison

As the engine becomes more aggressively downsized several potential issues bob up with regards to perceived performance. Firstly, the main issuance is turbocharger lag, where the device itself takes time to progress boost pres and the subsequent impermanent torque curved shape does not adjoin the steady state torsion curve. Second, often there can atomic number 4 a big difference between the broken engine speed "NA" torque (typically 8 – 11   bar BMEP), where the FGT is non able-bodied to deliver any significant hike press even during stabilise state conditions, and peak torque, which can be as high at 34.5   bar BMEP in the case of HyBoost with a larger turbocharger fitted. This also can give a detected turbocharger lag feel during fomite launch even if the boosting system response is more than adequate. To counter these effects,Hyboost uses a Valeo 12   +   X 3.3   kW electric supercharger to mitigate turbocharger lag additionally to enabling some degree of torque augmentation to the base locomotive engine, and a CAD model of the twist is shown happening the locomotive engine in Figure out 4.

Figure 4. CAD Model Of The Hyboost Powertrain Showing The Valeo 12   +   X Electric Supercharger And Associated Intake Pipework

Figure 3 too shows the choke-full shipment** torque curve of HyBoost with the exciting supercharger working from 1000 to 2000   rpm engine speed. The following key benefits of the electric supercharger give the sack beryllium unregenerate from the detailed analysis performed on the HyBoost project:

The galvanizing supercharger provides additional boosting capability on the far side the FGT and thus enables significant steady state and short-lived torque augmentation in the lower engine speed range. The FGT also behaves A a pressure ratio multiplier of the electric supercharger boost and then is effectively an in-series, 2-stage compressor system. This gives the potential to address the large step up seen between modest and mid speed torsion

Figure 3 shows there is a thermodynamic multiplication of the electric supercharger power through the engine. At 1000   rpm the torque rises from 125 to 183   Nm with the electrical supercharger assistance, which is equivalent to a 6.1   kW increase in power at this upper (13.1 to 19.2   kW respectively). At 1500   rpm the boost is from 185 to 239   Micromillimeter, which is an 8.48   kW increase, and some of these improvements were achieved with an input of only 1.8   kW to the galvanizing supercharger. This equates to a 47 and 29% increase in locomotive engine torque at those speeds respectively, and transiently the proportional increase in locomotive engine torque could be even higher dependant on the supercharge response without the electric supercharger assistance

As a officiate of the higher engine power achieved with the electric supercharger assistance many Energy Department is naturally released to the FGT turbine, enhancing its run-up

The air mass flow and pressure ratio provided by the galvanizing supercharger is essentially free if provided from stored well energy (although the system can run in independent manner as long-range as the generator tooshie provide the needed get-up-and-go and the electric supercharger remains within temperature limits). This results in a take down Indicated Mean Trenchant Pressure (IMEP) required to generate encourage than it would be for a established turbo or supercharged engine for the same Brake Mean Effective Pressure (BMEP). With downsized gasoline engines IMEP levels can be very high and it rear end be extremely difficult to operate the engine at these levels without importantly compromised combustion (retarded spark timing and high levels of fire cooling to control Exhaust Gas Temperature), that can then translates in to a degradation in "substantial world" fuel economy

** Note that full load performance availability is bloodsucking happening on tap stored energy

Covering of the electric supercharger to mitigate turbocharger lag required only comparatively boxershorts bursts of usage, typically in the purchase order or 1 to 3   seconds, with the engine returning to conventional natural philosophy alone (without electrical assist) operation as soon as possible. Figure 5 shows some premature test bed data taken on prototype form engine with a 12   V electric supercharger fitted. Here a load step is used at constant locomotive engine speed to assess the boost answer with and without the electric supercharger pouring. Following a pedal stomp to All-inclusive Open Throttle valve (WOT) from a minimum load term the boost pressure rise is measured, and the graph shows that the time to crest boost is halved with the electric supercharger working for 2   seconds than without the electric car supercharger running. This examination was far from optimum but shows the benefit of the electric supercharger, and the 12   +   X electric supercharger proved to be capable of achieving uttermost speed of greater than 60,000   rpm in less than 200   ms and a maximum pressure ratio of 1.6   bar with high motor efficiency. Subsequent vehicle performance and driveability attributes where maintained with the 50% engine downsizing arsenic shown in table 1 later in the paper.

Figure 5. Hyboost Load Tone Hike Response Exploitation 12   V The Tense Supercharger On Test Bench

Table 1. Powertrain And Fomite Attributes Comparisons

Fomite 2009 Ford Nidus 2.0   L Duratec 2011 Ford Focus 1.6   L EcoBoost 2011 Ford Focus 1.0   L HyBoost P/T 2010 Toyota Prius
Level bes Power Postscript (kW) 145 (107) @ 6000   rpm 150 (110) @ 5700   rpm 143 (105.5) @ 5500   rpm 99 (73) @ 5200   rpm Hybrid system netpower   =   136 (100) @ 5200   rpm
Peak Torque (Nm) 185 @ 4000   rpm 240 @ 1600   rpm (o/b) 234 @ 2500   rpm 142   Nm
0 - 62 mph***(secs) 9.2 8.6 9.2 10.4   dry
31 -62 mph** (secs) 11.9 8.6 11.2 -
Max. speed (mph) 128 mph 130 mph 128 mph 112 mph
Round CO2 Reduction Baseline (0%) 18% 42 -52% 47%

Finally from Digit 3 the torque curve from a revised larger turbocharger fitted to the HyBoost engine is shown with diligence of a Valeo-supplied Low Pressure cooled WOT Exhaust Blow Recirculation (LP WOT EGR) system. A blossom power and torsion of 112   kW at 5500   rpm and 260   Nm at 3000   rpm severally was achieved despite the engine non being optimised for these high levels of specific output. The detriment of the big turbo can be seen below 2250   rpm where the engine torque drops off well, nonetheless, in this lawsuit aggressive use of the electric supercharger can be utilised to "fill in" the twist if necessary, as shown by the stupendous pointer. In HyBoost's case, with a primary figure focus happening low CO2, the main energy benefit of the larger turbocharger was considerably decreased pumping across the twist at part load, resulting in a measured norm 2% melioration in BSFC at the significant effort cycles/second engine speeds and scads.

From the powertrain curtailment alone a 27% reducing in fuel consumption was measured over the EDC versus the service line primarily through reduced locomotive pumping losses and better BSFC for the same fomite friction shipment. Advanced Designing of Experiments standardisation techniques were wont to hit a far 2% improvement. Also, due to the elated engine torque output achieved a 6 speed manual transmission with significantly high gear ratios was sourced from a Diesel locomotive engine application in the same base fomite, realising a boost 4 % reduction in drive cycle Atomic number 272 whilst still achieving the execution targets.

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Induction motor—Surgical procedure from 50/60Hz supply

Austin Hughes , Bill Drury , in Electric Motors and Drives (Fifth Edition), 2022

6.3.4 Steady-state stability—Pull-out torque and stalling

We can gibe stability aside asking what happens if the shipment torque suddenly changes somehow. The load shown away the dotted line in Fig. 6.10 is stable at speed X, for example: if the warhead torque increased from Ta to Tb, the load torsion would be greater than the motor torque, thusly the motor would decelerate. Eastern Samoa the speed dropped, the motor torque would rise, until a new equilibrium was reached, at the slightly lower focal ratio (Y). The converse would happen if the load torque reduced, leading to a higher stable running speed.

Fig. 6.10

Fig. 6.10. Torque-race curve illustrating stable operational neighborhood (0XYZ).

But what happens if the freight torsion is increased Thomas More and more? We can see that every bit the load torsion increases, root at point X, we yet reach point Z, at which the motor develops its maximum torque. Quite a apart from the fact that the motor is now easily into its surcharge realm, and will be in danger of overheating, it has also reached the limit of stable operation. If the load torque is further increased, the speed falls (because the load torque is more the motor torque), and American Samoa it does so the shortfall between motor torque and load torque becomes greater and greater. The speed therefore falls faster and faster, and the motor is said to be 'stalling'. With loads such as machine tools (a drilling car, for object lesson), as soon as the maximum or 'pull-out' torsion is exceeded, the motor quickly comes to a halt, making an angry humming wholesome. With a hoist, however, the extra load would cause the rotor to be accelerated in the reverse direction, unless IT was prevented from doing so away a mechanical pasture brake.

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Hydraulic Mobile and Electrohydraulic Servosystem Valves

In Electro Hydraulic Control Theory and Its Applications Under Extreme Environment, 2022

Three Torque equations of armature assembly

Fig. 2.5 is the working schematic diagram of an armature flapper feedback spring assembly.

Figure 2.5. Temporary schematic diagram of armature flapper feedback spring assembly.

It can be seen from the figure that the load torque from the force feedback bar to the armature is:

(2.62) T L K = ( r + b ) 2 K f θ + K f ( r + b ) x v


K f is the stiffness of the force feedback bar; and

b is the distance from the axis of the nozzle orifice to the axis of the main spool.

From Eqs. (2.59) and (2.60), the total load torsion of the torque causative is:

(2.63) T L = r p L A N + ( r + b ) 2 K f θ + K f ( r + b ) x v r 2 8 π C d f 2 x f 0 p s θ

Transforming Eq. (2.63) victimisation Laplace transform, and substituting into Eq. (2.34), the torque equations of armature assembly are:

(2.64) K t Δ I = J a s 2 θ + B a s θ + [ K a n + K f ( r + b ) 2 ] θ + K f ( r + b ) X V + r P L A N

where K an is the net harshness coefficient of the armature flapper.

(2.65) K a n = K a + K m 8 π C d f 2 p s x f 0 r 2

Eq. (2.64) can be rewritten American Samoa:

(2.66) θ = 1 K a n + K f ( r + b ) 2 [ K t Δ I K f ( r + b ) X V r A N P L p ] s 2 ω m f 2 + 2 ζ m f ω m f s + 1

(2.67) ω m f = K a n + K f ( r + b ) 2 J a

(2.68) ζ m f = B a 2 J a [ K a n + K f ( r + b ) 2


ω mf is the earthy relative frequency of the torque motor; and

ζ MF is the damping ratio of the torque motor.

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D.C. motor drives

Austin Hughes , Beak Drury , in Electric Motors and Drives (Fifth Edition), 2022

4.2.3 Discontinuous current

We can see from Libyan Fighting Group. 4.3 B that atomic number 3 the burden torsion is shriveled, there will come a taper where the minima of the current ripple touch the zero-current course, i.e. the current reaches the boundary 'tween continuous and discontinuous current. The load up at which this occurs will also depend along the armature inductance, because the higher the inductance the smoother the current (i.e. the inferior the ripple). Discontinuous circulating mode is therefore most likely to be encountered in small machines with low inductance (especially when fed from two-pulse converters) and low light-load surgery no-load conditions.

Typical armature emf and current waveforms in the discontinuous mode are shown in Fig. 4.4, the armature current consisting of separate pulses of current that come about only while the armature is connected to the supply, with zero current for the historical period (represented by θ in Fig. 4.3) when none of the thyristors are conducting and the motor is coasting free from the supply.

Fig. 4.4

Fig. 4.4. Armature potential and current waveforms for discontinuous-current operation of a d.c. motor supplied from a single-stage fully-controlled thyristor converter, with firing angle of 60 degrees.

The material body of the current waveform can be understood by noting that with resistance unheeded, Eq. 3.7 can make up rearranged as

(4.2) di dt = 1 L V E

which shows that the rate of change of afoot (i.e. the slope of the lower graph in Fig. 4.4) is determined past the instant difference 'tween the applied voltage V and the motional e.m.f. E. Values of (V–E) are shown aside the vertical hatchings in Fig. 4.4, from which it can be seen that if V   >   E, the current is increasing, while if V   <   E, the contemporary is falling. The peak occurrent is so determined by the field of the upper OR lour shaded areas of the upper graph.

The firing weight in Figs. 4.3 and 4.4 is the identical, at 60 degrees, but the lode is less in Fig. 4.4 and therefore the mediocre contemporary is lower (though, for the sake of the explanation offered below, the modern axis of rotation in Fig. 4.4 is distended A compared with that in Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya. 4.2). It should be clean-handed by comparison these figures that the armature potential waveforms (solid lines) differ because, in Fig. 4.4, the current waterfall to zero before the next firing heart rate arrives and during the period shown Eastern Samoa θ the motor floats free, its terminal emf during this nonce simply the motional e.m.f. (E). To simplify Fig. 4.4 it has been assumed that the armature resistance is undersized and that the proportionate volt-drop (I a R a ) send away be ignored. In this slip, the average armature voltage (V D.C. ) must Be equal to the motional e.m.f., because there can glucinium no mean voltage across the armature inductance when there is no net change in the current over one impulse: the born areas—representing the volt-seconds in the inductance—are thence equal.

The most probative difference betwixt Figs. 4.3 and 4.4 is that the mean voltage is high when the current is discontinuous, and hence the stop number commensurate to the conditions in Fig. 4.4 is higher than in FIG. 4.3 despite both having the same firing angle. And whereas in continuous mode a incumbrance increment can make up met by an increased armature current without affecting the voltage (and hence speed), the position is very different when the current is discontinuous. In the latter case, the only way that the fair current can addition is for the speed (and hence E) to fall so that the shaded areas in Fig. 4.4 become large.

This means that the demeanor of the motive in discontinuous mode is much worse than in the continuous up-to-date mode, because as the load torsion is increased, there is a serious drop in speed. The resultant torque-pep pill curve therefore has a same unwelcome 'droopy' characteristic in the discontinuous current region, as shown in Common fig. 4.5, and in addition the I2R loss is a good deal higher than it would be with pure d.c.

Fig. 4.5

Figure. 4.5. Torque-speed curves illustrating the unwanted 'drooping' distinguishing associated with disrupted current. The cleared characteristic (shown dotted) corresponds to operation with continuous current.

Under Very-light Oregon atomic number 102-load conditions, the pulses of live get over virtually non-existent, the shaded areas in Fig. 4.4 become rattling small and the motor speed approaches that at which the back e.m.f. is equal to the peak of the supply potential dro (point (C) in Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya. 4.5).

It is easy to see that inherent torque-speed curves with sudden discontinuities of the form shown in Fig. 4.5 are very undesirable. If, for case, the firing angle is set to cypher and the motor is fully cockeyed, its speed will settle at point A, its average armature voltage and present-day having their sonorous (rated) values. As the load is diminished, rife remaining endless, there is the expected slight procession in hurrying, until point B is reached. This is the point at which the current is just about to participate the discontinuous phase. Any further reduction in the load torque then produces a wholly disproportionate—not to say dire—increase in speed, especially if the load is diminished to zero, when the speed reaches point C.

There are two shipway by which we can meliorate these inherently poor characteristics. Firstly, we can add spear carrier inductor in series with the armature to encourage smooth the current waveform and lessen the likelihood of noncontinuous current. The outcome of adding inductance is shown aside the dotted lines in Fig. 4.5. Secondly, we can switch from a single-phase convertor to a three-phase matchless which produces drum sander emf and current waveforms, as discussed in Chapter 2.

When the converter and motor are incorporated in a unsympathetic-loop drive system the user should embody unaware of any shortcomings in the implicit in motor/converter characteristics because the insure system of rules automatically alters the firing angle to achieve the target speed at all scads. In sexual congress to Fig. 4.5, for lesson, arsenic far as the user is concerned the control system will confine operation to the shaded region, and the fact that the motor is theoretically capable of running unloaded at the high focal ratio corresponding to point C is only of academic interest.

It is deserving mentioning that discontinuous current procedure is non restricted to the thyristor convertor, merely occurs in galore separate types of power physical science arrangement. Broadly, converter surgical operation is more well silent and analysed when in continuous current mood, and the operating characteristics are more desirable, as we take seen present. We volition not linger over the discontinuous mode in the rest of the book, as it is beyond our scope, and unlikely to be of concern to the drive user.

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